Cyber security and micro businesses
A micro business in Australia is usually taken to mean a business of 1 to 4 people. That might be a single sole trader or a boss and a couple of employees. Almost half of all business cybercrimes in this country are against Small and Medium Enterprises. Small businesses are far more vulnerable than big […]
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Search Engine Optimisation for small business
Do a search in Google for a product or service that your business provides. But make sure that you are doing it in an “incognito” or “private” page (Google knows what you look at and uses that to provide an answer to your query. Doing it this way means you would see what I, or […]
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How to set up an operating budget for your small business
Most businesses and that includes long running businesses as well as new ones, have only a hazy idea of what they are spending as a business over time. That means they don’t know where they can improve or how to plan for the short term future as well as the long term health of their […]
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Prepare for 2023
Hard to believe but there is a whole new year ahead. Hopefully everyone has had a nice Christmas but now it’s time to get ready for the coming year. Here are (in no particular orders) some tips about what to think about to make your business prosper and dangers you need to think about. Get […]
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How to write a great job ad
At the moment most employers are having a hard time attracting the right person for the jobs they have that desperately need to be filled. Or sometimes any people at all. Many employers cite staff shortages as the biggest problem facing their business. This isn’t a problem that is going away anytime soon and there […]
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What is inflation and why does it threaten my business?
Lets say you sold a customer something for a price $200 in 2021. The cost to you of materials, labour, admin, etc etc was $100. So you made a profit of $100 (lucky you!) Then, you made the same sale of the same product to the same customer in 2022. The customer again paid you […]
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What are the advantages of XERO?
Online – or cloud accounting solutions – sometimes called “Software as a Service” (SaaS) are where you aren’t buying a software program to install on your computer – you are renting an online service. This means that everything to do with your cash flow is connected in real time and you can look at it […]
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What is Pay As You Go Instalments – and why do I have to pay it?
We have written before about PAYGI. But this is the season where every accountant in Australia gets puzzled enquiries from clients about what it is and why do they have to pay it. The first time most people find out that such a thing as PAYGI exists is when they get a polite letter for […]
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What to do when customers don’t pay on time
You should try to do your best to make sure you get paid on time by putting some effort into the invoice and the process you have for payments. Modern accounting software such as XERO (our favourite), MYOB, Quickbooks and the like, do a good job of tracking invoices and payment. It’s a good idea […]
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Tax Debt and the Australian Taxation Office
During COVID the ATO was remarkably supportive of businesses and individuals and a lot of the normal policies concerning tax debt were put on hold. Because of that and because of the huge financial disruption to pretty much every business and individual during COVID – many people and businesses owe the ATO money. Quite a […]
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